Kid's Fun Books by Sandra Betzina If you have a toddler in your life, learn how to make a cloth book that any child will love. First establish a theme. You could do a family album or you could use your sewing skills to create a book on getting dressed. Each page could contain a different action by sewing items such as zippers, buttons, snaps and laces. Use fun fabrics such as denim, terrycloth, crushed velvet and corduroy. Materials: two pieces of 19-1/2" x 12-1/2" pieces of fabric for cover polyester fleece cut same length as fabric three groups of 19-1/2"x 12- 1/2" fabric for six book pages Velcro dots Steps: 1. The first thing you will need to make is the tab used to keep the book closed. To make this, cut a 4" square of fabric. Press in the seams. Fold it in half and press again. 2. Topstitch along the edges of the tab. 3. Sew a Velcro dot on the tab. Sew the other side of the dot on the back side of the book. Even if you use adhesive Velcro, sew it on so the child won't be able to pull it off and put it in his mouth. 4. With the fleece on bottom, place two pieces of fabric right sides together and lay them on top of the fleece. Sew the three together, stitching along the edges and hand-walking the corners. Leave an opening. 5. Turn page right side out, using a point turner. You will complete these steps for each page. 6. On the first page, insert the tab into the opening and close up all the other seams once you have turned fabric right side out. If you are going to sew items on each page, sew them on before sewing the three fabrics together. This way stitching won't show from one page to the next. 7. You can purchase iron-on applique and iron different pictures on each page. Use a press cloth when adhering applique. You can also use iron-on letters to spell different words. Topstitch everything you apply. If you make a book about dressing, follow these steps: 1. Sew a zipper to two pieces of the fabric. 2. Turn raw edges of the fabric under. 3. Topstitch all the way around each piece of fabric, sewing it to a page in the book. 4. Add a tab like the one on the page and pin it down. 5. Sew one seam, then sew edges don't show on the under side. 6. Affix a snap to the tab and to tab and to the page. 7. If you sew a shape onto a page, topstitch the bottom of the shape onto the page so that it does not fully lift off. 8. A great idea for a page is to create a pocket that has a Velcro closure. Putting the book together: 1. Lay pages one on top of the other, making sure all sizes are even. 2. Use a size 14 or 16 HJ needle. 3. Stitch down the middle of the pages. Sew Perfect Episode SEW-209 Kid's Fun Books,1158,CRHO_project_11230,00.html